Shochiku Multiplex Theatres, Ltd. manages Shochiku Group movie theatres throughout Japan. We welcome you to a diverse lineup of trending new releases, touching titles, animation series, concerts, athletic games, Live Viewing for you to enjoy transmission of stage productions and the like, and a whole lot more—even Cinema Kabuki, theatrical content only the Shochiku Group can offer.
List of movie theatres
Miyagi Prefecture | |
MOVIX Rifu | MOVIX Sendai |
Tokyo Prefecture | ||
Marunouchi Piccadilly | Shinjuku Piccadilly | Togeki |
MOVIX Kameari | MOVIX Akishima |
Kanagawa Prefecture |
MOVIX Hashimoto |
Saitama Prefecture | ||
MOVIX Saitama | MOVIX Misato | MOVIX Kawaguchi |
Chiba Prefecture |
MOVIX Kashiwanoha |
Ibaraki Prefecture |
MOVIX Tsukuba |
Tochigi Prefecture |
MOVIX Utsunomiya |
Gunma Prefecture |
MOVIX Isesaki |
Shizuoka Prefecture |
MOVIX Shimizu |
Aichi Prefecture |
MOVIX Miyoshi |
Kyoto Prefecture |
MOVIX Kyoto |
Osaka Prefecture | ||
MOVIX Sakai | MOVIX Yao | Osaka Station City Cinema |
Namba Parks Cinema |
Hyogo Prefecture | |
Kobe Kokusai Shochiku | MOVIX Amagasaki |
Okayama Prefecture |
MOVIX Kurashiki |
Tottori Prefecture |
MOVIX Hiezu |
Yamaguchi Prefecture |
MOVIX Shunan |